Mindfulness Courses

8 week Mindfulness courses: next available booking Autumn 2024

Keep reading for further details, and also see blog post here

This course has 8 weekly sessions of two hours each, except the first session of two and a half hours. You can read my substack post about the 8 week mindfulness for stress course here . A downloadable leaflet is below. A sample course leaflet is downloadable below. If you would like to be added to a wait list for the next course, please contact me here

If you would like to subscribe on substack, my blog will arrive in your inbox, free, on an approximately monthly basis.

Taster Sessions

If you would like to try a mindfulness taster session before diving in on a full 8-week course, or booking 1-2-1 sessions, you can contact me here to book your place on a 20 minute taster session.  There will be time for questions as well as a practice. 

Bespoke courses

Please do contact me if the commitment of 8 weeks sounds too much. There are many ways I can work with you and I also run bespoke sessions.

One to one and small group sessions

I have spaces for one to one sessions and bespoke sessions, working both outdoors, indoors and online, focused on reflective practices and mindfulness techniques.

Comments from participants on previous Mindfulness for Stress course led by Karen:

‘The course was so good. The variety of approaches to mindfulness and meditation. The gentleness of the teaching approach, no rights or wrongs. The reading and sound materials provided to support the learning. The duration and regularity of the classes. The opportunities for reflection and feedback. The sense of community.’

‘Karen was patient and kind. Her guided meditations and their placement in the classes were really beneficial. Her use of poetry and quotation gave a real human and also spiritual element to the sessions which was a really nice touch. She was able to coax reflections from even the shyest group members and all of our responses were received with neither a judgement nor evaluation which made me feel very able to share freely.’

‘I already knew some basics of meditation but this course was so well run and structured that I was able to pick up a lot of new techniques and ideas that I could take into a mindfulness practice in the future.’

‘Over the last couple of years, I have been feeling less able to cope with stress and uncertainty, and I really felt that this course offered useful tools and shifts in perspective to help cope, to centre being and presence and to prioritise both kindness and happiness. There will always be tasks to do, emails to send, problems to deal with – and I think this course is helping me to understand that I need to make changes in the present moment (and be in the present moment), rather than delaying when I can be calm until after all these tasks have been done (which I suspect will be never!). The simplicity of the practices made it easy to enter in to, whilst still feeling that they were very powerful practices that would become more impactful in my life with more regular practice.’

‘I didn’t expect the course to have such a sound psychological basis, and that it would resonate so deeply with me…the course expanded and deepened my understanding and practice.   

I didn’t expect to get to the point where I would be looking forward to meditating for 20 minutes twice a day (it not being a chore) and integrating it into my life.

I didn’t expect to enjoy and look forward to the sessions and the practice in between so much, or that it would create such a sense of well-being, contentment and pleasure in the everyday, and make a difference to my thinking and attitude.

I didn’t expect that it would bring so many practical tools and resources to help ease difficulties and enjoy life more.’

quotes from course participants, mindfulness for stress course led by Karen

Open practice

40 minute online open practice, via Zoom, once a month on a Monday.

A short drop in session, with no assumption, no judging, no previous experience required, and no need to turn your camera on if you’d rather not.

There will be a short meditation and something to take away to practice. The aim is to shift our awareness into the present moment and create (even if only a tiny sliver) a chance to notice ourselves between the many distractions of life, and all the stuff we have going on. The sessions will have a loose focus, usually connected to common themes such as self-doubt, working with unhelpful or difficult thoughts, being with our busy minds. My approach will focus on the practical. Building skills to use when we need them.

Open Practice operates on a pay what you can basis. No questions asked. Suggested donation: £2 – £5.  If you would like to come please let me know and I’ll send you details.

In 2024, Open Practice has usually taken place 6.30 – 7.10pm. After June’s practice, I am taking a pause to reflect on the best way to offer this open practice online.