My Experience

Over the years, I have gained relevant training and qualifications and worked with many organisations and individuals. 

I trained as a coach in 2001-2002 and have continued my training and professional development via different routes to build a repertoire of bespoke reflective practice methods. My training draws on theories and tools from a wide range of sources including coaching, emotional intelligence, meditation, psychology, neurology and contemporary research into leadership and creative practice. 

During 2002 to 2006 I worked on a reflective practitioner programme with 14 creative practitioners and 8 organisations across the South West of England. I also case studied an accompanying extensive professional development programme of reflection and coaching, with hundreds of creative practitioners. I worked with 60 of the participants, during points in their artistic journey. 

This work flowed into my Doctorate (2006-2010) and further developed walking, qualitative skills and deep listening with creative people. Outside Thought walking reflective practice began to take shape during this time.

As a freelance practitioner, I work as a consultant, coach, facilitator, researcher, evaluator and writer with artists, arts organisations, businesses, community groups, local authorities, entrepreneurs, community activists, universities and other institutions. I was freelance Head of Arts at Bristol City Council (2005-6). In my early career I was a visual arts worker working on a pioneering environmental arts education project with a team of artists. 

In the early 1990s I moved into creative management roles including at mind the…gap, and as Co-Director of Cartwheel Community Arts. I then went to work for Arts Council England as Combined Arts Officer and left to work freelance in 2001. I returned to work for Arts Council England briefly in 2012 holding a senior role in Visual Arts. In these jobs I have taken training opportunities to develop coaching reflection and facilitation skills. I also have my own artistic practice. 

I have been involved in several peer led voluntary networks to exchange practice, and partake widely in critical reflection both in and outside of the cultural sector. 

I am a fully accredited mindfulness teacher with Breathworks. I teach one to one, and also both mindfulness for stress, and mindfulness for health, eight week courses.

I began working in Action Learning in 2012, and am a skilled facilitator. I belong to two long-running co-created and peer led sets comprising of fellow creative facilitators. This forms a core of my own professional development. 

I was Critical Friend to Heart of Glass in St Helens for seven years from 2014 to 2021. I have also worked with Pavilion and Chrysalis arts on specific projects as Critical Friend. 

Training, qualifications and awards

AHRC (Arts Humanities Research Council) funded collaborative Doctorate 
Thesis title: In Momentum: The Navigation, Narration, and Negotiation of Continuing Professional Development by Mid-Career Artists in South West England

PhD, 2010

Research Fellow: Mindfulness and Performance in the Centre for Psychophysical Performance

Research Fellowship, University of Huddersfield, 2015-16

Research Fellow: Cultural Intermediation in the Creative Economy

AHRC funded Research Fellowship, University of Salford, 2012-14

Breathworks system of mindfulness-based approaches

Accredited teacher

Higher Education Academy (HEA)

Fellow (FHEA), Awarded 2016

Rivca Rubin (Kaizen Creative and RD1st) The Arts of Coaching

Accredited Practitioner, 2002

the management centre (=mc)                                                           

Consultancy Programme, Leadership and management, 2001

Institute of Leadership & Management

Strategic and Business Planning for Creatives

Creative Partnerships / Sage Gateshead

REFLECT Co-mentor

Cultural Leadership Programme

Leader+ training 


Learning Champion

Voluntary sector training                                                    

Training the Trainer
Coaching and Mentoring    

BA (Hons)                                                        

Fine Art and English Literature, 1990